#BarefootBoySummer has arrived but really it's just another seasonal hashtag to sell us stuff | Morwenna Ferrier - I Newz360


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Thursday, June 15, 2023

#BarefootBoySummer has arrived but really it's just another seasonal hashtag to sell us stuff | Morwenna Ferrier

From #ShortKingSpring to #BelowAverageMan, micro-trends have become big business for eagle-eyed marketers

Last week, I received an email about women’s sandals, aimed at anyone “planning a #barefootboysummer”. I have no such plans, but I was curious to see how shoes would help me achieve this, so I opened it.

The sandals had a thin corkbed and a thong and were pretty far from being barefoot but that didn’t seem to matter. #Barefootboysummer, the micro-trend for a few famous men to go barefoot, had established itself as yet another snappy phrase to add to the vast lexicon of ways in which each season is now being packaged up in the hope of conjuring promise – and ultimately, bringing in profit.

Morwenna Ferrier is the Guardian’s fashion and lifestyle editor

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/UkCFMx0

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