Freedom needs to be better supplied than tyranny. If democracies stand firm, Putin’s war on Ukraine will fail | Simon McDonald and others - I Newz360


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Monday, April 17, 2023

Freedom needs to be better supplied than tyranny. If democracies stand firm, Putin’s war on Ukraine will fail | Simon McDonald and others

We are diplomatic and military experts from across Europe. And we say give Ukrainians more arms, or risk a terrible stalemate

When Vladimir Putin ordered his troops into Ukraine on 24 February 2022, he flagrantly violated international law and committed a breach of the UN charter. Denying Ukraine’s right to exist, he used massive force to try to erase it from the map of Europe, leaving an ever-increasing trail of gross human rights abuses and war crimes in the process. One year later, Putin has not given up his objective of taking over Ukraine; he believes he has more staying power than Ukraine and the international coalition that supports it.

If he succeeded, Putin would no doubt set his eyes on Moldova and possibly the Baltic states, increasing the risk of a direct confrontation between Russia and Nato. A Russian victory in Ukraine would undermine the rules-based international order and fundamental principles of territorial integrity and national sovereignty, setting a dangerous precedent for territorial conquest elsewhere.

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from The Guardian

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