Coronavirus live news: 168m children worldwide have missed school for a year; Brazil reports record deaths - I Newz360


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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Coronavirus live news: 168m children worldwide have missed school for a year; Brazil reports record deaths

One in seven children – 214m – have missed more than three-quarters of in-person learning; Brazil suffers national single-day record of 1,641 Covid deaths

Dolly Parton has been inoculated with the Covid-19 vaccine that she helped to fund.

The country music star, 75, broke into song while getting the Moderna jab and adapted one of her best-known ballads.

Dolly gets a dose of her own medicine. @VUMChealth

Related: Dolly Parton gets vaccinated with Moderna jab she helped fund

Joe Biden has said that the US expects to have enough coronavirus vaccines for all adults by the end of May, two months earlier than anticipated, as his administration announced that the drugmaker Merck would help produce Johnson & Johnson’s newly approved shot.

With the bolstered supply, Biden also announced he would be using the powers of the federal government to direct all states to prioritize vaccinating teachers and said the federal government would provide the doses directly through its pharmacy program.

Related: Biden: US 'on track' to have enough vaccines for all adults by May

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from The Guardian

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